petty n. 佩蒂〔姓氏〕。 adj. 1.小的,一点点。 2.琐碎的;渺小的;不足道的,无聊的。 3.器量小的,心眼儿小的,卑劣的。 4.小规模的;次要的;下级的。 a petty current deposit 零星活期存款。 a petty dealer 小贩。 petty expenses 零星杂费。 n. 1.【簿记】小额。 2.〔pl.〕厕所。
On the disposal model of petty crimes 我国轻微犯罪行为处理模式探讨
There's no such thing as a petty crime, 根本不存在"小型犯罪"这种事
When they were on the street, to survive, they usually get into petty crime and drugs 他们步入街头以后为了生存通常会小偷小摸及沾染毒品。
It is also worth nothing that petty crime rates tend to rise when ratling squads are attached to regiments 对于一个师团来说,编入莱特林部队以后,小偷小摸犯罪率上升这种现象,已经不足为奇。
To encourage street children and homeless youth to give up their drug habit and reduce risk behaviour such as petty crime and incidence of hiv / aids, through a process of deaddiction and rehabilitation 鼓励街头儿童和无家可归的青少年通过戒毒和康复放弃毒品并远离可能导致犯罪和爱滋病感染的危险行为。
The members of the group are brought together as they try to escape their various addictions-alcohol, drugs, promiscuity, petty crime-and find meaning within their blighted lives 他们曾经酗酒、吸毒、乱交或犯有其他的轻微罪行,为了摆脱各自的不良嗜好,这群人走到了一起,并且从他们挫败的人生中找到了生活的意义。